
Mouth Sores

Jan 2 • 1 minute read

There are several reasons a person may experience mouth sores. One common type of sore is a canker sore which usually develops on the lips, cheeks, or tongue.  They typically have a red border with a yellow center and can last 1-2 weeks. Canker sores are most often caused by digestive diseases, trauma, or a reaction to chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate.  Another common type of sore is a cold sore which is caused by a virus.  They tend to develop near the nostrils and eyes as well as lips and also last 1-2 weeks.  Stress, illness, and sun exposure can cause cold sore outbreaks.  Dentures can also cause sores known as stomatitis which develop on the soft tissues of the mouth.  They can arise from wearing dentures too many hours or not properly cleaning them. Oftentimes, dentists can assist in managing any of these outbreaks.

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