
Dental Crown

Feb 3 • 1 minute read

Dental Crowns ("Caps") are restorations that fit over an existing tooth or implant and replicates the shape of the original tooth. It uses include:

-Support for a fake tooth using a dental bridge

-Filling the space of a missing tooth via a dental implant

-Covering a discolored, decayed/damaged, or misshaped tooth

-Providing structure support to a weakened tooth

 Typically crowns can be tooth colored.  Usually, the type of material used depends on the location of it in the oral cavity. Crowns can either be placed the same day or in 2 appointments depending on the material needed. To start, some tooth structure may be removed to create space for the crown. Then, and impression is recorded to fabricate the final crown.  If not cemented the same day, a temporary crown will be placed.  The final step of the crown process is the cementation of the final restoration. 

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